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Event Rules

We use the Frostbite Ruleset as of 3/4/19. Full rules here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zvyslOa81Kv4-2pbQlEPIigjWGx167JZUv6B_nSYyMc/edit#heading=h.m97ijp3m96a5


  • Stock and time are set to 3 stock and 8 minutes for Singles and Doubles
  • Final Smash Meter: Off
  • Spirits: Off
  • Damage Handicap: Off
  • Stage Selection: Anyone
  • Items: Off and None
  • First to: 1 Win
  • Stage Morph: Off
  • Stage Hazards: Off
  • Team Attack: On
  • Launch Rate: 1.0x
  • Underdog Boost: Off
  • Pausing: Off -Score Display: Off
  • % Show Damage: Yes
  • Custom Balance: Off
  • Echo Fighters: Separate
  • Radar: Big
  • Teammate Highlight: On
  • Mii Fighters: All moveset combinations are legal

Stage List

  • Battlefield*
  • Final Destination*
  • Town And City
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Kalos Pokémon League
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
  • Yoshi’s Story
  • Battlefield and Omega variations of the stages are allowed when a player counterpicks either Battlefield or Final Destination respectively. The Battlefield and Omega forms must be from the list below:

Arena Ferox | Battlefield Castle Siege | Corneria Delfino Plaza | Dream Land Final Destination | Frigate Orpheum Great Plateau Tower | Halberd Kalos Pokémon League | Kongo Falls Kongo Jungle | Lylat Cruise Moray Towers | New Donk City Hall Peach’s Castle | Pokémon Stadium Pokémon Stadium 2 | Reset Bomb Forest Skyworld | Smashville Super Happy Tree | Suzaku Castle Town & City | Umbra Clock Tower Unova Pokémon League | Venom Yoshi’s Island (Brawl) | Yoshi’s Story

Match Rules

We use the Frostbite Ruleset as of 3/4/19. Full rules here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zvyslOa81Kv4-2pbQlEPIigjWGx167JZUv6B_nSYyMc/edit#heading=h.m97ijp3m96a5


  • Stock and time are set to 3 stock and 8 minutes for Singles and Doubles
  • Final Smash Meter: Off
  • Spirits: Off
  • Damage Handicap: Off
  • Stage Selection: Anyone
  • Items: Off and None
  • First to: 1 Win
  • Stage Morph: Off
  • Stage Hazards: Off
  • Team Attack: On
  • Launch Rate: 1.0x
  • Underdog Boost: Off
  • Pausing: Off -Score Display: Off
  • % Show Damage: Yes
  • Custom Balance: Off
  • Echo Fighters: Separate
  • Radar: Big
  • Teammate Highlight: On
  • Mii Fighters: All moveset combinations are legal

Stage List

  • Battlefield*
  • Final Destination*
  • Town And City
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Kalos Pokémon League
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
  • Yoshi’s Story
  • Battlefield and Omega variations of the stages are allowed when a player counterpicks either Battlefield or Final Destination respectively. The Battlefield and Omega forms must be from the list below:

Arena Ferox | Battlefield Castle Siege | Corneria Delfino Plaza | Dream Land Final Destination | Frigate Orpheum Great Plateau Tower | Halberd Kalos Pokémon League | Kongo Falls Kongo Jungle | Lylat Cruise Moray Towers | New Donk City Hall Peach’s Castle | Pokémon Stadium Pokémon Stadium 2 | Reset Bomb Forest Skyworld | Smashville Super Happy Tree | Suzaku Castle Town & City | Umbra Clock Tower Unova Pokémon League | Venom Yoshi’s Island (Brawl) | Yoshi’s Story

Tournament Rules


  • REPORT YOUR MATCHES! As soon as a match ends, don't forget to fill the results quickly on Smash.gg, to keep the tourney moving fast!!

  • No Cheating

  • EXCESSIVE Lag is bannable. (if someone claims you have lag we will test it in a lobby with you. A small amount of lag is okay.)

  • No Harassing. If someone beats you fair and square, don't message them or annoy them in the Twitch chat.

  • My/ TO's decisions are final. If you disagree you can DM me and/or Phikage for an explanation.