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Event Rules

Check ins for the tournament will open up at 10:00 am PST and close 10:45 am PST on discord in the TOURNAMENT channel, The tournament will start at 11AM pst.

This tournament is limited to CONTINENTAL NORTH AMERICA (US,Mex,Can)

Match check ins will be done on smash.gg tasks and discord.(there will be a 15 min period to check into for the first wave, all matches after that in winners side will have 10 min and all losers matches will have a 5 min to check in until disqualification.)

Match Rules

Tournament will follow 2GG ruleset.
Game Settings
Stock and time are set to 3 stock and 8 minutes for matches.
  • Handicap: Off
  • Damage Ratio: 1.0x
  • Items: Off and None
  • Pause: Off
  • Hazard Toggle: Off
  • Mii: All moveset combination are legal
Stage List
  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Kalos Pokemon League
  • Town & City
  • Yoshi’s Island
Battlefield variations of the stages are allowed in place of Battlefield.

Omega variations of the stages are allowed in place of Final Destination.

  • The following stages are not allowed for Battlefield and Omega variations due to the changing in the Z Axis: Dream Land GB Flatzone X Hanebow Mario Maker Mute City SNES Pac-Land Duck Hunt

Tournament Rules

Tournament will follow 2GG ruleset, with the exception of all matches up to Winners ,Losers, Grand final.
Game Settings
Stock and time are set to 3 stock and 8 minutes for matches.
  • Handicap: Off
  • Damage Ratio: 1.0x
  • Items: Off and None
  • Pause: Off
  • Hazard Toggle: Off
  • Mii: All moveset combination are legal
Stage List
  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Kalos Pokemon League
  • Town & City
  • Yoshi’s Island
Battlefield variations of the stages are allowed in place of Battlefield.

Omega variations of the stages are allowed in place of Final Destination.

  • The following stages are not allowed for Battlefield and Omega variations due to the changing in the Z Axis: Dream Land GB Flatzone X Hanebow Mario Maker Mute City SNES Pac-Land Duck Hunt