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Event Rules


48+ Entrants
  • 1st: 50%
  • 2nd: 25%
  • 3rd: 10%
  • 4th: 7%
  • 5th: 4% each
32+ Entrants
  • 1st: 55%
  • 2nd: 30%
  • 3rd: 10%
  • 4th: 5%
16+ Entrants
  • 1st: 60%
  • 2nd: 30%
  • 3rd: 10%
Less than 16 Greater than 8
  • 1st: 65%
  • 2nd: 35%
Less than 8
  • 1st: Rest Of Pot
  • 2nd: 10 bucks

Tournament Rules

RULES: We are utilizing this Ruleset at Cityscape, Nightlife and Set Count

Legal Stages

  • Small Battlefield
  • Hallow Bastion
  • Battlefield
  • Smashville
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Town & City
  • Kalos Pokemon League
  • Final Destination

Game 1

  • Both players declare characters before stage bans. Double-Blind character selection can be requested here.
  • Players utilize R/P/S to determine who bans first.
  • Winner of R/P/S bans 1 stage. Loser of R/P/S bans 2 stages from the remaining stage pool. Winner of R/P/S then chooses a starting stage from the 2 remaining stages.

Game 2 and Onwards

  • The winner of game 1 states if they will change characters. The loser will then state if they will change characters. The winner will then ban 3 stages from the stage pool. The loser will then pick the upcoming stage from the remaining stages in the stage pool.