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View all rulesDies ist ein TWT Dojo Event und findet daher wie alle offiziellen TWT 2023 Turnier ausschließlich Offline bei uns im Core Gamer Treff in Mönchengladbach statt.
Wir halten uns dementsprechend an die offiziellen TWT 2023 Regeln. Die offiziellen Regeln findet ihr hier:
Rounds: 3 out of 5 Time Limit: 60 seconds Stage: Random (Required for first game of Match) Character Customizations: Off Character Preset Costumes are legal for Tournament use with the exception of the following: Jack-7 Preset 3 & 4 cannot be used. Gigas Preset 3 cannot be used. Players cannot use the same Preset. Should both Players wish to use the same Preset, they will play a tiebreaker as determined by the Tournament Organizer or Tournament Event Organizer (as applicable) to determine who may use their preferred Preset Costume for the duration of the Match. If a Character Customization or one of the above listed Presets that cannot be used are used, the Match is subject to not being scored. Players are responsible for immediately finishing the Match with one (1) Player holding forward for the remainder of the rounds to quickly return to the lobby and restart the Match.