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Event Rules

-Bring your own controller -Default Settings -2/3 Rounds per games -3/5 games per set -Winner of Prior game must stay the same character -Loser may change character -Random Stage select or an agreed upon stage

Tournament Rules

All games will be played on default settings unless specified in individual game details. Individual game details are available on the Games page.

All macros available via in-game controller configuration menus are allowed.

ALL TEAM GAMES Require a full team! If you sign up for a team game you must have all TEAM members! If you do not have Fulll Team you can not compete!

Force Majeure The tournament organizers, in their sole discretion, may require the replaying of any game or match, or declare any game or match or other phase of the tournament null and void by reason of any of the foregoing. In the event the tournament organizers determine, in their sole discretion, that any individual game or match or other phase of the tournament, has been tampered with or that the validity of any game, match, or other phase of the tournament has been compromised for any reason, it may eliminate that game, match or other phase of the tournament, and may conduct the tournament on the basis of the remaining game, match, and/or other phases of the tournament.

Hardware programmable input entry, rapid-fire and/or other hardware assisted advantages are banned from tournament use.

Pausing during a Game at any time results in a round forfeit. A pause during a Game’s final round forfeits the Game. You may lose a Set on a Forfeited Round. At the judges discretion this rule may be ignored if Inevitable Defeat is visible. Inevitable Defeat means that any Game paused during a Round, Game or Set ending move or animation will not count against the victorious player. Inevitable Defeat is only true if a judge un-pauses the game and a player wins without additional input.

Wireless Controllers, unless specified in a tournaments individual rules, are banned.

All controllers, even those for casual play only, are required to be wired to a console. Wireless controllers, of all kinds, are not eligible for play unless specified as legal in a game’s individual rules. A wireless controller with the batteries removed and powered exclusively through a USB connector will be considered legal. Wireless controllers that operate exclusively through a USB dongle will also be considered “Wired” controllers.

You are responsible for your controller and its functionality. If your controller’s wireless sync interferes with tournament matches it will be confiscated. There is a zero tolerance policy at F2con for controller’s that pause another competitor’s match. If you are found to be using an unapproved wireless controller you will be disqualified from the tournament and have your controller confiscated until the end of the event.

PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch Exception: The PlayStation DualShock 4, Switch pro and joy cons controller is legal for tournaments contested on the PlayStation 4 and Switch. It is your responsibility as a competitor to desync controllers prior to your matches from the PlayStation 4’s and Switch's Devices menu in the system settings. Please take ownership of ensuring you have an uninterrupted experience.

Controller issues: (Pausing, Turbo, Hardware Binds, & more)

Pausing a tournament match can cost you a Round. If a match pauses during play immediately get your bracket judge. The player whose controller paused the game will receive a Round loss. If a player pauses during the final playable round of a Game the pausing player will receive a Game loss. You may lose a Set from a pause created Game loss. In the event that the game pause is due to a legitimate hardware malfunction you will be allowed to get another controller and continue the Set (if possible).

Turbo and program (macro) functions in all controllers are banned. If you are caught using them you will be disqualified for cheating.

Hardware Button Binds, so long as they trigger all of their inputs on the same frame, are legal. You may not use binds that combine directions and actions. This means a button that presses light punch+hard punch at the same time is legal, but a button that presses forward and light punch is not. Hardware Macros are not allowed. If you are using a device that has hardware modifications you must present it to the bracket runner prior to the start of your pool to check its legality.

Steve is banned in our Super Smash Brother Ultimate Tournaments.