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  • Best of 3 until Top 3 (Winners Finals, Losers Finals, Grand Finals) where it will be Best of 5.
  • Time: 7 minutes
  • Stocks: 3 stocks
  • All stages are hazard-less.
Starter Stages:
  • Battlefield*
  • Final Destination**
  • Kalos League
  • Smashville
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
Counterpick Stages:
  • Wario Ware
  • Skyloft
  • Castle Siege
  • Town & City
  • Yoshi’s Island
  • Frigate Orpheon

(* = On Counterpick, any version Battlefield may be used, so long as it was not banned by the opponent)

(** On Counterpick, any version of Final Destination may be used, so long as it was not banned by the opponent)