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Event Rules

Event Rules

  • 3 Stocks, 7 Minutes
  • Items are set to OFF.
  • 3 Stage Bans
  • Final Smash Meter is set to OFF.
  • Stage Hazards are set to OFF.
  • Stage Morphing is set to OFF.
  • The Radar is set to BIG (the default setting)
  • Mii's are only allowed with their 1111 moveset, with default weight and size (Guest Mii's and World of Light Mii's only for simplicity).
Stage List

Starter stages

These are the stages availible at the first match:

  • Battlefield (+ Variations excl. Fountain of Dreams)
  • Final Destination (+ Variations excl. Fountain of Dreams)
  • Pokémon Stadium 1
  • Smashville
  • Town and City

Counterpick Stages

These stages can be picked from the second match onward:

  • Castle Siege
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Warioware
  • Kalos Pokémon League
  • Skyloft
  • Yoshi's Island: Brawl
  • Halberd

Stage Striking Procedure

  1. Both players pick their character. This will happen by blind pick
  2. Rock Paper Scissors is played to determain whoever gets to strike the first stage from the Starter list.
  3. The winner strikes 1 stage from the Starter list.
  4. The other player strikes 2 stages from the remaining stages from the Starter list.
  5. The winner picks a stage from the 2 remaining Starter stages.
  6. The match is played.
  7. The winner gets to strike 3 stages from both the Starter list and the Counterpick list.
  8. The loser may pick any remaining stage.
  9. The winner chooses their character.
  10. The losers chooses their character.
  11. The next match is played.
  12. Steps 7-11 are repeated until the set is finished.

Tournament Rules

Basic rules for all tournaments (unless specified otherwise in the event-specific rules)

  • You are responsible for your own controller. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility, so bring an extra controller if possible. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties.
  • If you have to use a converter, make sure the device is properly set up and charged before the tournament starts. If your match is called and you cannot play your match because you have to borrow or have lend your converter to someone else you’re suspected for disqualification!
  • Be on time, if you’re later than 5 minutes without contacting the TO's you will be disqualified without question.
  • Using arcade stick/custom controller mods that enable hardware programmable input-entry, Macro (button mapping outside of the game) or Rapid Fire/Turbo are not allowed. Notches for GCC are legal.
  • There are no mods allowed on the consoles, expect the UCF 0.73 mod for SSBM.
  • No coaching during a set. This means no coaching when you are in character select or stage select. If this still occurs, you can request the coach to leave or call the tournament organization to deal with the situation. The tournament organization could request the coach to leave the area, but they also can disqualify the player. It is up to the official to make the call. Coaching is allowed after a bracket reset.
  • If there is a dispute on Sides or Controller Ports use a Rock-Paper-Scissor BO1 to determine which players plays on which side/Controller Port.
  • Any player using “Random Select” to pick their character, must “Random Select” again if they win the match.
  • All DLC must be out in public for more than 7 days to be legal at the tournament.
  • In any case or event, the TO’s decision is absolute and needs to be respected. We try our utmost to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible and it’s fun for everyone. We do not want to disqualify, call you out or remove you from the venue.
  • The TO’s directions need to be followed at ALL times especially during “unusual” or “extreme” situations. Please follow the direction of the staff to make sure we can (try and) resolve the situation that occurred to get the tournament back on track. Being unwilling to comply will result in a potential ban from further tournaments.