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Event Rules


Double Elimination. Each Tournament Event will be played as a double elimination (a “Double Elimination”) bracket competition, in which Players compete in Matches (the “Match Sets”) starting from what is known as the winner’s side of the bracket (the “Winner’s Bracket”). If a Player loses a Match Set while in the Winner's Bracket, that Player will be moved to the loser’s side of the bracket (the “Loser’s Bracket”). If a Player loses a Match Set while in the Loser’s Bracket, that Player is eliminated and will no longer advance further in the bracket for that Tournament Event. The winner of the Winner’s Bracket will play against the winner of the Losers Bracket in the Grand Finals of the Tournament Event, as set forth below. Match Play. All Match Sets will be best-of-three, in which the Player who wins two (2) Matches first wins the Match Set, with the exception that the Winner’s Bracket finals, Losers Bracket finals, and Grand Finals of each Tournament Event bracket will be best-of-five, in which the Player who wins three (3) Matches first wins the Match Set. The winner of any single Match is determined when the Game awards the win to that Player or upon the opponent causing a match disruption or other violation of the Rules as determined by the Tournament Organizer staff member. During a Match Set, the winner of any single Match must comply with the following winner lock rules: At the start of a Match Set: Players select their sides. Players may mutually agree on who sits on left and right side, corresponding to Player 1 and Player 2, respectively, at the start of a Match. Players are committed to this selection for the entirety of the Match. If Players cannot agree to a Side Selection, they will play a Best-of-Three Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine who picks their side for the first Round. For all subsequent Rounds and Matches, the winner may select a side first. Each Player selects their character and the stage is selected at random; After any single Match, the winner is "locked" into their character and they are not permitted to switch their character until or unless they lose a subsequent single Match; All single Matches are loser's choice; and The loser of any single Match may choose between rematching with the Player’s previous characters and stage, rematching with the Player’s previous characters but with a new stage of their choice, or returning to character select to choose a new character and a new randomly selected stage. All Matches must use the following in-Game Settings: Rounds: 3 out of 5 Time Limit: 60 seconds Stage: Random (Required for first game of Match) Character Customizations: Off Character Preset Costumes are legal for Tournament use with the exception of the following: Jack-7 Preset 3 & 4 cannot be used. Gigas Preset 3 cannot be used. Players cannot use the same Preset. Should both Players wish to use the same Preset, they will play a tiebreaker as determined by the Tournament Organizer or Tournament Event Organizer (as applicable) to determine who may use their preferred Preset Costume for the duration of the Match. If a Character Customization or one of the above listed Presets that cannot be used are used, the Match is subject to not being scored. Players are responsible for immediately finishing the Match with one (1) Player holding forward for the remainder of the rounds to quickly return to the lobby and restart the Match. Players must use a Game version on one of the following platforms as determined by the Tournament Organizer or as otherwise set forth herein: PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X, or Steam. Player Options. Prior to commencement of a Match Set, Players may exercise the following options: Blind Pick. Players may request a method of character selection known as blind pick (“Blind Pick”) to keep their character selection secret until the first Match begins. In the Blind Pick process, the Players will each tell a Tournament Organizer staff member, in secret, their character selection for the first Match. Players will then select their character with the Tournament Organizer staff member validating their selections. If a Player purposely does not select the character they told the Tournament Organizer staff member, that Player will forfeit that single Match. Draws. In the event of a tied Match declared by a Double K.O. or timeout on the Game screen, the Match will not be scored and both Players will replay the tied Match with the same character selections. Grand Finals. The “Grand Finals” is a Match Set series comprised of up to two (2) best-of-five Match Sets between the final two (2) Players left in a Tournament Event. In the event the Player from the Winner’s Bracket wins the first Match Set, the Grand Finals immediately ends, giving the Player from the Loser’s Bracket their second and eliminating loss, and making the Player from the Winner’s Bracket the overall winner of the Tournament Event. In the event that the Player from the Loser’s Bracket wins the first Match Set, thereby giving the Player from the Winner’s Bracket their first loss, a second best-of-five Match Set will be played. The Players may choose different characters and exercise any pre-Match Set options for this new Match Set. The Player that wins this final Match Set, thereby giving the other Player their second and eliminating loss from the Tournament Event, is declared the winner of such Tournament Event. For the sake of clarity, the foregoing shall not apply to Global Finals, the details of which are specified in Section 3. Missing Players. Players must be present at the call time for a Match Set. Players that are not present and ready to play within ten (10) minutes of this call time are subject to Match Set forfeiture. Match Disruptions. If a Player intentionally or accidentally causes a pause in a Match, whether by pressing the Options button or by experiencing a controller disconnection, the Player that caused the pause will forfeit the current round of the Match. If a Match disruption occurs that is out of control of the Players of the Match Set, such as action of another Player’s un-desynced controller or a Game software crash or console hardware failure making Players unable to continue a Match, the Tournament Organizer staff member shall order the Players to restart the Match. Coaching. Players may designate one (1) individual to be their coach during a Match Set. Players may consult with the coach for a maximum of one (1) minute in between Matches in a Match Set. Coaching while a Match is in play is not allowed and is subject to Match forfeiture. Button Binds. Sequence mapping is banned. A Player may not program functions on a controller using methods outside the basic functions of the Game, including, but not limited to, programmable and turbo controllers.

Tournament Rules

Thank you for coming out to our local Lehigh Valley tournament! Please observe the following rules:

1. Pay as soon as you get in

We are small tournament organizers and do not have a large team. Please be responsible and respectful and pay for the venue fee as soon as you get in. We will be announce when we will be taking tournament fee, in order to take into account the amount of people that will be competing.

2. Sign up on start.gg if you are competing

Again, we are not a large team, and there are a lot of moving parts at this event. It would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL if you come to these frequently that you sign up before you get here. If not, then you need to provide the email that your start.gg account is under. This takes up a lot of time and leads to a lot of frustration and forgetting to put people in the bracket.

3. Bring drinks and food in closed containers

Please make sure that if you are bringing a drink or food into the venue that it does not spill or get in the way of the competitors, the tournament organizers, or the patrons of the shop. You are more than welcome to bring things from home as long as they are closed or can be covered.

4. No fighting or horseplay

This one does not need to be explained, but it needs to be written out. It will be up to the tournament organizers and the venue owners to enforce the rule and take action.