Event Rules
For the first stages of the event, players will be seeded into pools consisting of 8 players. The top 4 seeds from qualifying will be automatically seeded to the Winners’ side of the Top 12 bracket.
The song selections for each pool will be limited to the following ranges:
Wave 1: 12 - 14 Wave 2: 13 - 15 Wave 3: 14 - 16 Wave 4: 15 - 17 Wave 5: 16 - 18
Each player in the pool will secretly choose any chart within the designated range by Wave # and submit it to the tournament organizer. Once all charts are selected, they will be revealed to all players. The order of those songs will be randomized, and all players will play those 8 songs in that order. If the same song is chosen multiple times, it will be played the total number of times it was selected (multiples will not be discarded, and the play order for each recorded score on the same song will be consistent across competitors).
Players will be allowed two minutes between song plays. This will not be strictly enforced unless it is noticed players are taking excessive amounts of time between songs. Time is essential at Storm, after all.
Players will be randomly paired together for pool play. Pairs will receive 1 game to warm up on any songs of their choosing other than the 8 pool songs. Players may change their pairs if they wish, and if all impacted players agree (example: A and B are paired together, and C and D are paired together. If A, B, C, and D agree, they may change their pairs however they wish). Players may not change the order that songs must be played.
Final ranking in each pool will be determined by average W/L ranking across all songs.
Wins and Losses are determined on a “per song” basis based on EX against other respective players in the pool. The W/L ratios will be determined once all songs have been played.
Tiebreakers At the end of each pool, if there are two or more players who have the same overall W/L ratio, final rank will be determined by total average EX% across all songs. If there are any ties after this determination, a single song random will be drawn from the hardest selectable tier and all players who are tied will play the drawn song. The highest EX% will determine pool rank. Rinse and repeat as needed.
Modifiers Players may use modifiers that do not alter the number of arrows or lifebar (Mirror, Shuffle, hidden+, sudden+, etc.) Mods such as CUT or RISKY must be disabled. Failure to adhere to this may result in loss of song and/or match disqualification.
Pad Errors / Recalculations Pad error discrepancies/recalculations will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the acting available TO. Unruly or rude participants may be subject to having their pad recalculation requests denied.
Any recalculated steps will be recalculated to a Perfect judgment.
Note: If at any points you do something deemed unsportsmanlike, verbally/physically interfering with someone while playing a match, damage venue property, assault another person, or any other similar malicious behavior, you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament and subject to ejection from the venue at the discretion of event staff.
No substances (i.e. baby powder) are to be applied directly on the pads other than cleaning solutions as needed. If you wish to use them, you may apply it to your shoes off the pad. You may request the pads to be cleaned by TO/staff at any time.
Tournament Rules
Tournament Organizers:
Contact via Discord: @prkrono, @nicholasnrg, @choccymilkpr
Discord Group:
Qualifier Submission (must be submitted before Thursday, October 25th @ 11:59pm):
Pot Bonus: $200
Payout: 50% / 35% / 15%
To register for the tournament you may purchase the special discounted DDR Competitor Pass, which includes 3-day access to the event as well as registration for the tournament.
(Note: If you already purchased a Competitor/Spectator Pass before purchasing the DDR Competitor Pass, you must request the addition of DDR to your Pass by sending an email to [email protected])
Purchase your DDR Competitor Pass here:
Qualifiers for DDR at First Attack 2023 will be held remotely, and consists of playing a specified set of songs on any difficulty and uploading them to our Qualifier Submission Form.
Seeding for the tournament will be done based on the highest to lowest EX Scores obtained across all three songs combined, with ties broken by whoever earned their total score first.
Qualifiers must be submitted before Thursday, October 25th @ 11:59pm!
Click here to access the Qualifier Submission Form:
Qualifier Songs:
Song 1: DeStRuCtIvE FoRcE // BADMYTH (Song Video) (BEGINNER 2 // BASIC 6 // DIFFICULT 9 // EXPERT 13)
Song 2: NEPHILIM DELTA // L.E.D.-G (Song Video) (BEGINNER 4 // BASIC 8 // DIFFICULT 12 // EXPERT 14)
Song 3: ZEPHYRANTHES // TAG (Song Video) (BEGINNER 3 // BASIC 7 // DIFFICULT 11 // EXPERT 15)
You may play each song individually at any time during the qualifying period. You may play the songs in multiple difficulties if desired, but only the difficulty in which you obtained the highest EX Score will be considered for your final score. You may submit scores obtained on any arcade DDR hardware running A20 PLUS or newer, including machines that are offline, in local mode, or otherwise not connected to eAmusement. Note: We will not accept scores obtained in DDR GRAND PRIX, DDR A20 and older, Stepmania, In The Groove, or any other games. If you are unable to qualify remotely, you must reach out to a Tournament Organizer (TO) no later than October 24 (Tuesday), so that we may work to accommodate an on-site qualifier, in which you will only have one attempt at each song.
Tournament Format
Waterfall Pools
For the Waterfall Pools stage of the tournament, participants will be seeded into pools consisting of 4 players. The tournament will be divided into 3 Waves, with a minimum and maximum difficulty level specified for each Wave. Depending on their performance in Qualifiers, 3 players will automatically be seeded into Wave 2 and Wave 3, while the 4th player of those Waves will be the winner of the Wave preceding it. The top 2 qualifying participants (Seeds #1 and #2) will be automatically seeded to the Round Robin stage of the tournament and will skip pool play.
Range of Difficulty for each Wave:
Wave 1: Lv. 12 - Lv. 13
Wave 2: Lv. 14 - Lv. 15
Wave 3: Lv. 16 - Lv. 17
During a Wave, each player in the pool must secretly pick one song and submit it to the TO. The selected song and difficulty must fall into the range of difficulty specified for that particular Wave. Once all players have submitted their songs, the 4 songs will be revealed to all players. The order of the songs will be randomized, after which all players will play all 4 songs in that order. Players will be randomly paired together for pool play. Each pair of players can agree on one (1) warm-up song to play before proceeding with the 4 charts selected for that Wave. Players will have 30 minutes to play all 4 songs including their warmups, taking as many breaks between songs as needed so long as they don’t pass the 30 minute threshold. Players may only make one attempt at each song. Players may choose a different player to be paired with, so long as they and all other players in the pool agree with the change. Players may not change the order in which the songs must be played. Participants will earn 1 point for every player that ranks below them on a “per song” basis based on EX score. The player with the most points will progress to the next Wave. Once all Waves are completed, the winner of each pool will advance to the Top 4 Round Robin portion of the tournament, where all players will be paired for a series of best of 3 matches using the Card Draw Format.
In the case of a tie, the winner will be determined by the total average EX score across all songs. If there is still a tie, a random song within the Wave’s difficulty range will be drawn and all tied players will play the song. The resulting EX scores will be added into each tied player’s average to redetermine the highest rank. If necessary, multiple songs will be drawn until the tie is broken.
Top 4 Round Robin
A Round Robin is a tournament format in which each competitor plays against every other competitor remaining in the tournament.
The Top 4 Round Robin stage of the tournament will consist of the top 2 seeds from qualifying and the winners of the Waterfall Pools. Each of the top 4 players will have a “Best of 3” match against every other player in the Top 4 ranking, until all 4 players have had a match with each other.
The matches will follow a Card Draw format, in which 7 songs will be drawn and both players must protect 2 songs each. The 4 protected songs will then be played in the order in which they were protected. The higher seeding player will choose between being the 1st and 4th to Protect or the 2nd and 3rd. The match will end once a player has won 3 songs.
If at the end of a match the players are tied (Example: Both players win 2 songs each), the lower seeding player will Veto one of the 3 remaining songs on card draw, then the other player will Veto one of the remaining 2 songs. The remaining song will be played to determine the winner. If there is a tie in that song, players will draw an extra song to play, and repeat if necessary until a winner is declared. No points will be earned in this scenario.
Matches are played in the following order:
Player A: Seed #1 Player B: Seed #2 Player C: Wave A Winner Player D: Wave B Winner Match Order:
B vs C
A vs D
B vs D
A vs C
C vs D
A vs B
Players will earn 1 point per each song won. When all six matches are done, all points earned will be summed up and the total points will determine the Top 4 final placings.
Example: Player B plays Player C. Player B wins song 1 and 2. Player C wins song 3. Player B wins song 4 to finish the match. Player B would earn 3 points and Player C would earn 1 point.
Difficulties for Top 4 Round Robin will be weighted with the following distributions:
Lv. 15 - 15% Lv. 16 - 20% Lv. 17 - 35% Lv. 18 - 30%