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View all rulesGeneral:
- 3 stock
- 8 min
- Friendly fire on
- Stage hazards off
- Handicap off
- Items off
- Pause off
- Final smash meter off
Sets are BO3 until top 16, and BO5 from top 16 onwards.
If the game ends in time out the winner is decided primarily by the number of stocks and secondarily by the damage percentage. The winner is the player with more stocks or less percents. If both players have the same number of stocks and same percentages, 1 stock 3 minute rematch is played.
Coaching during the set is not allowed.
Players can ask their opponent to change the color of their character before the game if the color makes it hard to distinguish the character from the other team or the stage background.
- Final Destination/Omega Forms
- Battlefield/Battlefield variations
- Smashville
- Lylat Cruise
- Pokémon Stadium 2
- Yoshi’s Story
- Kalos Pokémon League
- Town and City
Flow of the set
- Players pick their characters. Both players can demand a Double Blind selection.
- Players do the stage striking
- First game is played
- The winner of the previous game bans 1 stage from the stage list
- The loser of the previous game picks the next stage from the remaining stage list
- The winner of the previous game picks their character
- The loser of the previous game picks their character
- The next game is played
- Repeat steps 4-8 until one player wins the set
Stage Strike
- Players play a round of rock-paper-scissors (RPS)
- Winner of RPS removes 1 stage from the starter list
- Loser of RPS removes 2 stages from the starter list
- Winner of RPS picks the stage from the remaining two stages
Double Blind Character Selection
- Player A tells their character pick to a third party person (so that B can’t hear it)
- Player B reveals their character pick
- The third party person reveals the character pick of player A
- Player can’t pick a stage where they won their previous game.
- At any point of the set the players can agree to pick any tournament legal stage.