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There are currently no Brackets for this event.

● Double Elimination Bracket

● Matches for pools will be best 2/3 games

● No stalling, wobbling or using intentional glitches

● Pausing will be disabled in the game menu, an accidental pause may forfeit a stock

● A stage cannot be picked if won on during that set unless both players gentlemen

● Winner Must Pick Character First

● Results Screen Determines Winner in the Event of Self-Destruct Move

● Characters may be switched between games as long as the previous winner picks first

Starters (Singles)

● Battlefield

● Yoshi's Story

● DreamLand 64

● Fountain of Dreams

● Pokémon Stadium


● Final Destination

Stage & Banning rules:

● First stage picked by striking from neutrals, P1-P2-P2-P1 order.

● Following stages decided by winner banning ONE stage from the stages listed above then loser chooses from the remaining stages. No bans in a best of 5