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  • Double Elimination
  • Game settings: Rounds: 2 out of 3 Rounds per game, 99 Seconds Time Limit, Control Type: Modern or Classic, motion blur OFF,  Input delay reduction ON, Players must set Button Release On or Off before a match in the main menu
  • 2/3 Rounds per Game
  • 2/3 Games per Set
  • 3/5 Games for all Sets in Top 8
  • Winner must keep character
  • Losing player may switch character
  • Dynamic control type is banned
  • Random stage select (players may opt for an agreed stage)
  • In the event of a tied Match declared by a “Double K.O.” on the Game screen, the Match will not be scored and both Players will replay the tied Match with the same character selections and stage.
  • Illegal mods of any kind will result in immediate disqualification.