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Event Rules
Melty Blood Rules:
- Default round settings: 99 seconds, first to 2 rounds.
- Players may select their character normally in the selection screen. They may also request a double blind pick with the help of a moderator.
- Only the losing player may switch characters. The winning player may switch their moon.
- Banned Stages: Classic and G TABLE 2. Both stages are banned due to visibility issues. (You may gentleman's agreement this rule)
- Have fun!
Match Rules
Melty Blood Rules:
- Default round settings: 99 seconds, first to 2 rounds.
- Players may select their character normally in the selection screen. They may also request a double blind pick with the help of a moderator.
- Only the losing player may switch characters. The winning player may switch their moon.
- Banned Stages: Classic and G TABLE 2. Both stages are banned due to visibility issues. (You may gentleman's agreement this rule)
- Have fun!
Tournament Rules
Tournament Rules:
- Anyone from Puerto Rico can enter.
- You may be disqualified due to poor connection.
- IMPORTANT: Tournament Format will depend on number of Entrants.
- 8 or more participants: Double Elimination tournament. First to 2 wins (FT2) until finals. Winners Finals, Losers finals and Grand Finals will be ran in FT3
- Less than 8: Swiss/Round Robin with 4 rounds. FT3 for every match.
- You must report yourself 10 minutes before the tournament.
- A bye (opponent fails to show up to the match) means the other player will win by default.
- If both players fail to complete their match in time (due to absence or otherwise) then both are disqualified.
- Ethernet connection required. You may be checked if poor connection issues arise.
- You must report yourself in the GoonSquad discord's Tournament channel. ( )