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Event Rules

General: 3 stock

6 minute matches

No items

Stage Hazards Off

Best of 3; Winners/Losers Finals and Grand Finals will be Best of 5

Timers A 5 minute DQ timer will be implemented. So be sure to be on time and check in through smashgg

Streaming Streaming will only take place when convenient, and if parties are willing and compliant. We will DM you ahead of time to be streamed

Stage Banning Stage banning will be implemented this tournament through smashgg after check in

Lag Issues: With all issues pertaining to lag, DM @Leitzy to be helped

Smash online has a bed rep for being laggy. If this is the case during your tournament set, DM @Leitzy and he will reach out to both parties for a speed test.


If a one player has a noticeably worse connection, they will be DQ’d and the opponent with the better connection will advance. (sorry again, but there’s really not a better way to handle this. But also get better internet)

DM an admin for any questions you may have regarding any of the rules

Match Rules

Seek out your opponent after checking in, through the chat tab when clicking on your match.

Coordinate info for a private battle arena with opponent

Ban stages through smashgg, and pick the stage selected in the battle arena

Play your game, and may the best man win

If someone is to be reported, make sure you take photo evidence to prove to mods

Tournament Rules