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Event Rules

2 pools until top 4, then there will be a 10 minute intermission before the top 4 bracket

Match Rules

Matches will be 2/3 until top 4 which will be 3/5 Stage List

  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Town and City
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Kalos Pokemon League
Stage Striking Procedure
  • 1.Both players pick their character. This will happen by blind pick
  • 2.A coin toss will determine whoever gets to strike the first stage from the Starter list.
  • 3.The winner strikes 1 stage from the Starter list.
  • 4.The other player strikes 1 stage from the remaining stages from the Starter list.
  • 5.The winner picks a stage from the remaining Starter stages.
  • 6.The match is played.
  • 7.The loser may pick any remaining stage.
  • 8.The winner chooses their character.
  • 9.The losers chooses their character.
  • 10.The next match is played.
  • Steps 7-10 are repeated until the set is finished.

Tournament Rules

Stage List

  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Town and City
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Kalos Pokemon League
Stage Striking Procedure
  • 1.Both players pick their character. This will happen by blind pick
  • 2.A coin toss will determine whoever gets to strike the first stage from the Starter list.
  • 3.The winner strikes 1 stage from the Starter list.
  • 4.The other player strikes 1 stage from the remaining stages from the Starter list.
  • 5.The winner picks a stage from the remaining Starter stages.
  • 6.The match is played.
  • 7.The loser may pick any remaining stage.
  • 8.The winner chooses their character.
  • 9.The losers chooses their character.
  • 10.The next match is played.
  • Steps 7-10 are repeated until the set is finished.
Online Tournament Rules

If you miss your check in by 5 minutes, you will be dq’d from that match. If you can not check in due to a smash.gg problem, let a TO know ASAP so they can check you in manually.

  • If a match has not been started 5 minutes after check in, the person causing the hold up will be DQ'd. Internet problems or whatever are no exceptions.
  • If your opponent asks you to wait for whatever reason, contact a moderator. If he doesn't return whitin 5 minutes he will be dq'd. We cannot use any further delays.
  • If your opponent disconnects within 30 seconds of the match starting, the match is restarted. If they disconnect after that, they lose the game. If your opponent disconnects maliciously (ragequitting), they forfeit the set.

    If you do not know how Smash.gg Online Tournaments work and are causing delays because of that, you will be dq'd after 10 minutes. There is an article about Online Tournaments here. https://help.smash.gg/online-tournaments/playing-online-tournaments-on-smashgg

    Disputes and Online Lag

Not required, we highly recommend hooking up your Switch with an Ethernet LAN adapter or similar to maintain a stable connection with your router & opponent. A lag test isn’t required before officially starting a set, but it’s HIGHLY recommended that one is done. If the connection is deemed unplayable, request a moderator. Both players will then perform a speedtest from the Switch. This will show whether the player is using a wired connection or not and how fast their connection is. The person with the worst result will be DQ’d from the match. In the case of a dispute regarding the results, both parties should not only have replays to use as evidence, but images of their victory screen. Images have metadata that will tell users the time said images were taken, and that time can be compared to the time stamps in the chat logs. Screencaps are also usual if the conversation is private. This all may sound impractical, but this rule must be here as a reference since it is the best solution. Hopefully, this issue will NEVER actually occur. If you play out a full set with a laggy player and only after the set is complete do you complain about it, you will have accepted the results of the set, and they are final Laggy player and only after the set is complete do you complain about it, you will have accepted the results of the set, and they are final.