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Event Rules

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ruleset:

  • 3 stocks
  • 8 minutes
  • Stage hazards OFF
  • Spirits OFF
  • Handicap OFF
  • Items OFF
  • Pause OFF
  • Final Smash Meter OFF
  • All Mii Fighter moves allowed

Course of a tournament set:

  • Both players choose their character before the first match. Double blind pick may be used.
  • The first stage will be decided from starter stage list using stage strike in the following order: 1 (P1) -> 2 (P2) -> 1 (P1)
  • From the second match onward, regular stage banning procedure will be used:
    • The winner of the previous match bans two stages from the full stage list
    • The loser of the previous match chooses a non-banned stage to be played in. Also, the player may not choose a stage where they won the last time.
    • The winner of the previous match chooses their character
    • The loser of the previous match chooses their character
  • Repeat the above steps until a winner is found
  • Gentlemen's agreement: Any legal stage can be played, regardless whether one player has already won on that stage during the set, if both players agree to it.
  • Modified Dave's Stupid Rule: A player may not choose a stage to be played where they won the last time.


  • Final Destination
  • Battlefield
  • Smashville
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Lylat Cruise


  • Yoshi's Story
  • Yoshi's Island Brawl
  • Kalos Pokémon League
  • Town & City
  • Unova Pokémon League

Tournament Rules

General rules:

  • Players are expected to have started their tournaments sets within 10 minutes when their pool or bracket phase is scheduled, unless otherwise is agreed. Failing to do so will result in disqualification (DQ) from that event.
  • Players have to be available for their upcoming tournament games. Failing to start a pending tournament set within 10 minutes when called will result in DQ, unless otherwise is agreed.
  • TOs will resolve any rules conflict or ambiguity, and are able to make a change to ruling if it is deemed necessary. TOs ruling takes precedence over written rules.
  • Please be respectful towards other people.
  • Please clean up after yourself. If there is a shortage of supplies (e.g. trash bags) consult the organizers!