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View all rules- Game Settings: 3 Stock, 7 Minutes, Final Smash Meter: Off, Spirits: Off, Damage Handicap: Off, Stage Selection: Anyone, Items: Off and None, First to: 1 Win, Stage Morph: Off, Stage Hazards: Off, Team Attack: On, Launch Rate: 1.0x, Underdog Boost: Off, Pausing: Off, Score Display: Off, % Show Damage: Yes, Custom Balance: Off, Echo Fighters: Separate, Radar: Big, 2/3 Games
- Controllers: Players must bring their own controller for use. The tournament does not provide any for competitors to use
- Mii Fighters: All moveset combinations are legal
- Amiibo’s are banned.
- Starter stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Pokémon Stadium 2, Smashville, Town And City
- Counter-pick stages: Kalos Pokémon League, Lylat Cruise, Yoshi’s Island (Brawl), Yoshi’s Story
- First stage is decided by (Rock Paper Scissors) best of 1. Winner may choose to either strike a stage first or select a port first. Stages are struck in a P1-P2-P2-P1 order.
- Following stages decided by winner striking two stages from all stages and then loser choosing.
- Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
- You may not pick any stage you have previously won on during the set unless mutually agreed to.
- You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. This will result in a double disqualification.
- If a game ends with a self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner.
- Sudden Death with tied percentage/stock will result in a 1 stock/2 minutes playoff match.
- There will be no loading anything on to the tournament consoles.
Rules adapted from Evo 2019