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Console: Playstation 5

Prize Money Percentage! 1-5 players 1st 100% 6-8 players 1st 70% 2nd 30% 9-15 players 1st 60% 2nd 30% 3rd %10 16-25 players 1st 50% 2nd 25% 3rd 15% 4th %10 26-32 players 1st 40% 2nd 25% 3rd 20% 4th 10% 5th 5%

*Double Elimination

*Default settings

*All OPTION settings are default settings except for the following two settings.Pause Menu on Long Hold ON

*2/3 Rounds per Game2/3 Games per Set

*3/5 Games for Top 8 finals

*Winner of the previous game must keep same character

*Loser of the previous game may switch character

Random stage select (players may opt for an agreed stage)

*Training Room stage is banned from Tournament Play

*Dynamic control type is banned