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There are currently no Brackets for this event.

The tournament starts at 2:00 pm Eastern U.S. Time

Each round lasts up to 30 minutes, and has an auto DQ timer of 7 minutes, starting at the beginning of each round. You must check in before this 7 minute timer ends or you will forfeit the set. Online tournaments are bound to fall a bit behind schedule, and later rounds may be rushed a bit in order to catch back up. If you are planning to play in multiple events, please keep this in mind.

Once you have checked in for your match, you will have free reign to start your match within the 30 minute time limit for that round.

Use the built in smashgg match tools to communicate with your opponent, and Admins. You are responsible for reporting your scores accurately. If there is a dispute, contact the admin(s).

When you or your opponent creates an arena, ensure there are 3 spots available so that BorkHammer40k can join in the event that your match ends up on stream. In early rounds, streamed matches will be at random, whenever they line up with my stream.

The following matches will not be streamed at random

2 Winner's Quarter Final matches (chosen based on matchup)

Both Winner's Semi Final matches

Winner's Final

Losers Semi(s)

Loser's Final

Grand Final