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There are currently no Brackets for this event.

Here are the basic rules for tournament conduct and procedure.

Smash Kingdom uses the 2GG California Ruleset!
Match Rules

3 Stock 8 Minutes

Launch Rate: 1.0x

Damage Handicap: Off

FS Meter: Off

Items / Spirits: Off

Stage Hazards: Off

Stage Morph: Off

Underdog Boost: Off

Stage List Starters


Final Destination

Pokémon Stadium 2


Town & City

Stage List Counterpicks

Kalos Pokémon League

Yoshi's Island (Brawl)

Stage Striking

Stage striking is to be completed on SmashGG. If the website doesn't work, type !stagelist and proceed with 1-2-1 stage striking for game 1. After each game, the winner strikes two stages and the losing player chooses one of the remaining stages to go on.

Amount of Games

If there are less than 32 participants, only top 3 is best of 5. If there are more than 32 participants, only top 8 is best of 5. Everything else will be best of 3 matches.

Reporting Scores

Players must be present and available in the Discord server at all times during the tournament. It is each player's responsibility to contact their opponent and coordinate the matches. Please try to manually input and confirm match scores on SmashGG. If the website isn’t working, tell a TO the set score and who won.

Starting Sets

There‘s no need to add friend codes! After entering online from the main menu, create a battle arena with the ruleset above.

Once you're in the arena, jump to the top left corner where the arena settings icon is and write down the Arena ID. Give that ID to your opponent so they can search it and join. Thank you to ANTi himself for explaining this simple process! https://twitter.com/Anti/status/1071246241189773313 :Hi:

Disqualification Clause

Anyone who does not check-in by the start of the tournament is subject to total disqualification from the event. Disqualification time is 10 minutes in winners and 5 minutes in losers. This is to make tournaments run as fast as possible and not delay other matches.

If you for some reason can't participate at all, please notify a TO so we can remove or DQ you from the tournament.

Lagging Clause

If needed, a lag test can be held at http://www.speedtest.net/. The faster internet speed will win the set by disqualification.

Smash Kingdom TOs recommend buying a LAN adapter to avoid this issue.

Streaming Clause

Streamed sets are chosen by Deathyrus based on how interesting it would be to show. Most streams are for Top 8s only but on some occasions, tournament runs and pool sets will be streamed. If one person asks, I will not stream their set unless it's Losers/Winners/Grand Finals. All recorded sets will be uploaded to the official Smash Kingdom YouTube channel. Please subscribe to the main streams below!




Username Policy

Please use the same name you use on Discord as the one on SmashGG! It makes it easier for TOs to let you know to start your match!

In addition, please try not to change what names you use on SmashGG because our live rankings system in semi-automatic. This basically means every name becomes a new slot on the list unless I change it. If you end up changing your smash tag, let me know so I can manually merge it with your previous results.

Saltiness Policy

Please stay cordial during tournaments. If you want to complain about a match or learn from it, we have #vent and coaching in #matchmaking. Any instance of misconduct from any player may result in a ban from future Smash Kingdom tournaments.

Prizes Policy

Please note that prizes aren't for every Smash Kingdom tournament unless it's a champions role and a top 8 graphic. Most prizes will be for our monthlies. Prizes via Paypal will be distributed no later than a week after the recorded win. Feel free to donate here at https://www.paypal.me/Deathyrus!

In addition, top three of Sunday weeklies will receive in-server money as follows:

1st Place: 3,000 :money_with_wings:

2nd Place: 2,000 :money_with_wings:

3rd Place: 1,000 :money_with_wings:

Payment method for prizes are either through Nintendo EShop codes or through PayPal. If for some reason you cannot accept a prize, it will be used for the next tournament.

Tournament Dates

Smash Kingdom hosts tournaments every Saturday at 3pm EST and every Sunday at 6pm EST. Tournament links will be posted in the Smash Kingdom Discord Server the night before or morning of the tournament. If you're in a different time zone, please use http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com

By registering for a Smash Kingdom tournament, you are agreeing to abide by all rules and regulations provided by Smash Kingdom staff. Participation in the tournament constitutes a player’s full acceptance of these official rules and consequences if any are broken. Smash Kingdom reserves the right to cancel, change, or suspend any event or any player’s participation therein for any reason. The dates, locations, prizes, and times are subject to change, with notice, at Smash Kingdom's sole discretion.If you’d like to submit feedback for a tournament, you may do so via the #suggestions channel in the server.

Please refer to any moderators for inquiries!