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Event Rules
PRIZE DISTRIBUTION: The pot will consist of $5 from each participant in each bracket 31 or less entrants will pay out through 3rd place: 50/30/20 32 to 47 entrants will pay out through 4th place: 50/25/15/10 48 to 72 entrants will pay out through 5th place: 40/25/15/10/5/5 73 or more entrants will pay out through 7th place: 40/20/15/10/5/5/2.5/2.5
Tournament Rules
- Singles & Doubles
- Stock: 3
- Time Limit: 7
- Hazard: Off
- Bans: 3
- No DSR
- Mii: Any combinations are allowed
- Team Attack: On
- Double Elimination Bracket
3 Bans, No DSR
Small Battlefield Battlefield Town & City Smashville Pokemon Stadium 2
Final Destination Hollow Bastion Kalos
- The pot will consist of $6 from each participant in each bracket
- 1st Place: 50%
- 2st Place: 30%
- 3st Place: 20%