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Event Rules

Please be fair.

Note: although this category is called "Standard Tournament Rules", we do no not mean the backroom's official ruleset, but rather one of our rulesets that is pretty similar.

Please write wich extra stages were allowed, wether or not super gentleman's clause was used, which stage was played on (including hazards on or off) and how many stocks the game winner had left in the smash.gg match chat so that admins have this information.

  • ingame result screen determines the game winner
  • must be played on an official release of Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
  • 1v1
  • 3 Stocks
  • Time: 7:00 minutes
  • Ingame Sudden Death decides over win or loss
  • no spirits
  • item frequency: none
  • no final smash meter
  • all three Mii Fighters are allowed. All Mii Fighter special Moves are allowed. The opponent may request a demonstration of all the equiped specials which will take place in a match that doesn't count for the Tournament and will end when all special moves have been shown
  • Legal Stages: Battlefield (hazards on/off), Big Battlefield (haz on/off), Final Destination/Omega (haz on/off), Peach's Castle (haz on/off), Kongo Jungle (haz on/off), Super Happy Tree (haz on), Dreamland (haz on/off), Yoshi's Story (haz on/off), Fountain of Dreams (haz on/off), Pokémon Stadium (haz off), Big Blue (haz off), Warioware, Inc. (haz off), Yoshi's Island (haz on/off), Halberd (haz off), Lylat Cruise (haz on/off), Pokémon Stadium 2 (haz off), Castle Siege (haz off), Smashville (haz on/off), Luigi's Mansion (haz on), Pirate Ship (haz off), Unova Pokémon League (haz off), Arena Ferox (haz off), Reset Bomb Forest (haz off), Streetpass Quest/Find Mii (haz off), Pictochat 2 (haz off), Mushroom Kingdom U (haz off), Skyloft (haz off), Kalos Pokémon League (haz off), Town and City (haz on/off), Duck Hunt (haz on/off), Wuhu Island (haz off), Wily Castle (haz off), Midgar (haz off), Umbra Clock Tower (haz on/off), Great Plateau Tower (haz on/off), Dracula's Castle (haz on/off)
  • Extra Stages Rule: By default, extra stages are not legal. One player can request that extra stages will be allowed (for this set). If the other player agrees, they are allowed. Players can also allow only hazards off extra stages or even only specific extra stages, not all of them. In any of these cases, both players must agree on it. If a player loses on an extra stage, they can then ban it for the rest of the set. If they change their mind about the stage, they can unban it if the other player still agrees to allowing it. Allowing a specific extra stage doesn't mean you must pick that stage.
  • Extra Stages: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505356235470798848/559044586828201994/IMG_20190323_170210.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505356235470798848/559044586828201995/IMG_20190323_170217.jpg
  • Both Players pick any stage from the stage pool, then it is decided by a 50/50 RNG whose stage is played, for example Rock, Paper, Scissors, or who gets a higher number from Mr. Game & Watch's Judge. Then both players have to select the stage ingame so that it is guaranteed to be played on. If both players want a no hazards version, or both want a version with hazards, this can be decided by just setting "stage hazards" to the setting both players want and picking the stages ingame, so that the game decides whose stage is played on. When you pick a stage, always remember to set hazards to on/off. When announcing what stage you want to play, always include wether you mean the "hazards off" version or the "hazards on" version.
  • Super Gentleman's Clause: If both players agree on it, any stage, even non-legal-non-extra stages, can be played on. In this case, both players have to select the stage ingame so that it is guaranteed to be played on. This can only be used to play a non-legal-non-extra stage once per set, for the rest of the set only legal and extra stages are allowed. If a stage's hazards off version is legal/extra but the hazards on version is not (or vice versa), playing the version that is not legal/extra counts as a non-legal-non-extra stage.
  • best of 3 (Whoever wins 2 games is the match winner)
  • Grand Finale: best of 5 (whoever wins 3 games is the match winner)
  • The loser of the last game can change their character, the winner can't (but they can change the alternate costume (switching from a fighter to their echo fighter or the other way around counts as switching character))
  • Dave's stupid rule is active from winner's semi-final/loser's final onward. This means you can't pick a stage that was the last stage you won on in the same set.
  • launch rate: 1.0
  • no stage morph
  • starting percent: 0
  • damage percents: shown
  • time before disqualification (check-in): 10, Grand Finale: 15
  • time before disqualification after check-in: bo3: 30 min, bo5: 50 min
  • any game that is not played with this ruleset (includes the stage selection rules) does not count and should immediately be cancelled. If a set takes to long because games with the wrong rules/stage were played, the player who is responsible for it (who set up these rules or who picked the wrong stage etc.) will be DQ'd and the other one will proceed as if they won. If it is not clear who is responsible and one player has more game wins that count, that player is the set winner. We may however DQ both players in that case if we think someone is trying to abuse this.
  • If one player doesn't cooperate to make the match happen (doesn't join game lobby/chat etc.), that player will be DQ'd.

Match Rules

Please be fair.

Note: although this category is called "Standard Tournament Rules", we do no not mean the backroom's official ruleset, but rather one of our rulesets that is pretty similar.

Please write wich extra stages were allowed, wether or not super gentleman's clause was used, which stage was played on (including hazards on or off) and how many stocks the game winner had left in the smash.gg match chat so that admins have this information.

  • ingame result screen determines the game winner
  • must be played on an official release of Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
  • 1v1
  • 3 Stocks
  • Time: 7:00 minutes
  • Ingame Sudden Death decides over win or loss
  • no spirits
  • item frequency: none
  • no final smash meter
  • all three Mii Fighters are allowed. All Mii Fighter special Moves are allowed. The opponent may request a demonstration of all the equiped specials which will take place in a match that doesn't count for the Tournament and will end when all special moves have been shown
  • Legal Stages: Battlefield (hazards on/off), Big Battlefield (haz on/off), Final Destination/Omega (haz on/off), Peach's Castle (haz on/off), Kongo Jungle (haz on/off), Super Happy Tree (haz on), Dreamland (haz on/off), Yoshi's Story (haz on/off), Fountain of Dreams (haz on/off), Pokémon Stadium (haz off), Big Blue (haz off), Warioware, Inc. (haz off), Yoshi's Island (haz on/off), Halberd (haz off), Lylat Cruise (haz on/off), Pokémon Stadium 2 (haz off), Castle Siege (haz off), Smashville (haz on/off), Luigi's Mansion (haz on), Pirate Ship (haz off), Unova Pokémon League (haz off), Arena Ferox (haz off), Reset Bomb Forest (haz off), Streetpass Quest/Find Mii (haz off), Pictochat 2 (haz off), Mushroom Kingdom U (haz off), Skyloft (haz off), Kalos Pokémon League (haz off), Town and City (haz on/off), Duck Hunt (haz on/off), Wuhu Island (haz off), Wily Castle (haz off), Midgar (haz off), Umbra Clock Tower (haz on/off), Great Plateau Tower (haz on/off), Dracula's Castle (haz on/off)
  • Extra Stages Rule: By default, extra stages are not legal. One player can request that extra stages will be allowed (for this set). If the other player agrees, they are allowed. Players can also allow only hazards off extra stages or even only specific extra stages, not all of them. In any of these cases, both players must agree on it. If a player loses on an extra stage, they can then ban it for the rest of the set. If they change their mind about the stage, they can unban it if the other player still agrees to allowing it. Allowing a specific extra stage doesn't mean you must pick that stage.
  • Extra Stages: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505356235470798848/559044586828201994/IMG_20190323_170210.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505356235470798848/559044586828201995/IMG_20190323_170217.jpg
  • Both Players pick any stage from the stage pool, then it is decided by a 50/50 RNG whose stage is played, for example Rock, Paper, Scissors, or who gets a higher number from Mr. Game & Watch's Judge. Then both players have to select the stage ingame so that it is guaranteed to be played on. If both players want a no hazards version, or both want a version with hazards, this can be decided by just setting "stage hazards" to the setting both players want and picking the stages ingame, so that the game decides whose stage is played on. When you pick a stage, always remember to set hazards to on/off. When announcing what stage you want to play, always include wether you mean the "hazards off" version or the "hazards on" version.
  • Super Gentleman's Clause: If both players agree on it, any stage, even non-legal-non-extra stages, can be played on. In this case, both players have to select the stage ingame so that it is guaranteed to be played on. This can only be used to play a non-legal-non-extra stage once per set, for the rest of the set only legal and extra stages are allowed. If a stage's hazards off version is legal/extra but the hazards on version is not (or vice versa), playing the version that is not legal/extra counts as a non-legal-non-extra stage.
  • best of 3 (Whoever wins 2 games is the match winner)
  • Grand Finale: best of 5 (whoever wins 3 games is the match winner)
  • The loser of the last game can change their character, the winner can't (but they can change the alternate costume (switching from a fighter to their echo fighter or the other way around counts as switching character))
  • Dave's stupid rule is active from winner's semi-final/loser's final onward. This means you can't pick a stage that was the last stage you won on in the same set.
  • launch rate: 1.0
  • no stage morph
  • starting percent: 0
  • damage percents: shown
  • time before disqualification (check-in): 10, Grand Finale: 15
  • time before disqualification after check-in: bo3: 30 min, bo5: 50 min
  • any game that is not played with this ruleset (includes the stage selection rules) does not count and should immediately be cancelled. If a set takes to long because games with the wrong rules/stage were played, the player who is responsible for it (who set up these rules or who picked the wrong stage etc.) will be DQ'd and the other one will proceed as if they won. If it is not clear who is responsible and one player has more game wins that count, that player is the set winner. We may however DQ both players in that case if we think someone is trying to abuse this.
  • If one player doesn't cooperate to make the match happen (doesn't join game lobby/chat etc.), that player will be DQ'd.

Tournament Rules

The prefix "SSS" is reserved for Super Skill Showdown Staff. If you are a member of a group with this prefix, please contact us.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Singles Standard Tournament Rules Var 1A

Please be fair.

Note: although this category is called "Standard Tournament Rules", we do no not mean the backroom's official ruleset, but rather one of our rulesets that is pretty similar.

Please write wich extra stages were allowed, wether or not super gentleman's clause was used, which stage was played on (including hazards on or off) and how many stocks the game winner had left in the smash.gg match chat so that admins have this information.

  • ingame result screen determines the game winner
  • must be played on an official release of Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
  • 1v1
  • 3 Stocks
  • Time: 7:00 minutes
  • Ingame Sudden Death decides over win or loss
  • no spirits
  • item frequency: none
  • no final smash meter
  • all three Mii Fighters are allowed. All Mii Fighter special Moves are allowed. The opponent may request a demonstration of all the equiped specials which will take place in a match that doesn't count for the Tournament and will end when all special moves have been shown
  • Legal Stages: Battlefield (hazards on/off), Big Battlefield (haz on/off), Final Destination/Omega (haz on/off), Peach's Castle (haz on/off), Kongo Jungle (haz on/off), Super Happy Tree (haz on), Dreamland (haz on/off), Yoshi's Story (haz on/off), Fountain of Dreams (haz on/off), Pokémon Stadium (haz off), Big Blue (haz off), Warioware, Inc. (haz off), Yoshi's Island (haz on/off), Halberd (haz off), Lylat Cruise (haz on/off), Pokémon Stadium 2 (haz off), Castle Siege (haz off), Smashville (haz on/off), Luigi's Mansion (haz on), Pirate Ship (haz off), Unova Pokémon League (haz off), Arena Ferox (haz off), Reset Bomb Forest (haz off), Streetpass Quest/Find Mii (haz off), Pictochat 2 (haz off), Mushroom Kingdom U (haz off), Skyloft (haz off), Kalos Pokémon League (haz off), Town and City (haz on/off), Duck Hunt (haz on/off), Wuhu Island (haz off), Wily Castle (haz off), Midgar (haz off), Umbra Clock Tower (haz on/off), Great Plateau Tower (haz on/off), Dracula's Castle (haz on/off)
  • Extra Stages Rule: By default, extra stages are not legal. One player can request that extra stages will be allowed (for this set). If the other player agrees, they are allowed. Players can also allow only hazards off extra stages or even only specific extra stages, not all of them. In any of these cases, both players must agree on it. If a player loses on an extra stage, they can then ban it for the rest of the set. If they change their mind about the stage, they can unban it if the other player still agrees to allowing it. Allowing a specific extra stage doesn't mean you must pick that stage.
  • Extra Stages: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505356235470798848/559044586828201994/IMG_20190323_170210.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505356235470798848/559044586828201995/IMG_20190323_170217.jpg
  • Both Players pick any stage from the stage pool, then it is decided by a 50/50 RNG whose stage is played, for example Rock, Paper, Scissors, or who gets a higher number from Mr. Game & Watch's Judge. Then both players have to select the stage ingame so that it is guaranteed to be played on. If both players want a no hazards version, or both want a version with hazards, this can be decided by just setting "stage hazards" to the setting both players want and picking the stages ingame, so that the game decides whose stage is played on. When you pick a stage, always remember to set hazards to on/off. When announcing what stage you want to play, always include wether you mean the "hazards off" version or the "hazards on" version.
  • Super Gentleman's Clause: If both players agree on it, any stage, even non-legal-non-extra stages, can be played on. In this case, both players have to select the stage ingame so that it is guaranteed to be played on. This can only be used to play a non-legal-non-extra stage once per set, for the rest of the set only legal and extra stages are allowed. If a stage's hazards off version is legal/extra but the hazards on version is not (or vice versa), playing the version that is not legal/extra counts as a non-legal-non-extra stage.
  • best of 3 (Whoever wins 2 games is the match winner)
  • Grand Finale: best of 5 (whoever wins 3 games is the match winner)
  • The loser of the last game can change their character, the winner can't (but they can change the alternate costume (switching from a fighter to their echo fighter or the other way around counts as switching character))
  • Dave's stupid rule is active from winner's semi-final/loser's final onward. This means you can't pick a stage that was the last stage you won on in the same set.
  • launch rate: 1.0
  • no stage morph
  • starting percent: 0
  • damage percents: shown
  • time before disqualification (check-in): 10, Grand Finale: 15
  • time before disqualification after check-in: bo3: 30 min, bo5: 50 min
  • any game that is not played with this ruleset (includes the stage selection rules) does not count and should immediately be cancelled. If a set takes to long because games with the wrong rules/stage were played, the player who is responsible for it (who set up these rules or who picked the wrong stage etc.) will be DQ'd and the other one will proceed as if they won. If it is not clear who is responsible and one player has more game wins that count, that player is the set winner. We may however DQ both players in that case if we think someone is trying to abuse this.
  • If one player doesn't cooperate to make the match happen (doesn't join game lobby/chat etc.), that player will be DQ'd.