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Event Rules


  • Items: Off
  • Stage Hazards: Off*
  • Stage Morph: Off*
  • Spirts: Off
  • Handicap: Off
  • Game Mode: Stock Battle
  • Stocks: 3
  • Time: 7 Minutes

*= Subject to Gentleman
(Gentleman (noun./verb.)- The act of both players agreeing to circumvent one or more aspects of the established rules.)

Legal Stages-


PS2 ; Battlefield ; Town & City ; Smashville ; Nothern Cave


Final Destination ; Small Battlefield ; Kalos


  • 1-2-1 STRIKING (3 BANS)
  • In the event of a Timeout if players have unequal stocks the player with the most stocks will be deemed winner; if both players share the same amount of stocks the player with the lower percentage will be deemed the winner; if both players share the same amount of stocks and the same percentage the game will be deemed a tie (tiebreaker will be decided by a 1 stock face-off)
Match Start:

1.) Players will initiate the match by playing Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS); the loser must reveal which fighter they will play for game 1; the winner of the RPS will reveal their intended fighter after the RPS loser reveals their fighter; if 1 or both of the players would prefer to blind pick a third party must be told by both players in private which fighters they intend to choose; the third party will then relay back to both players which fighter both players had relayed to the third party earlier in this procedure.

2.) Both players will agree on 1 of the starter stages to play their match on. If a stage cannot be agreed on both players must strike to decide the starting stage; the loser of the RPS from step 1 will initiate the striking process by striking 1 of the 5 starters that will not be played on; the winner of the RPS from step 1 will strike second by striking 2 of the remaining 4 starting stages that the initial striker did not strike; the player who struck first will now decide which of the remaining 2 stages will be played on from game 1 by striking the final stage.

3.) Both players will choose the fighters that were communicated in step 1.

4.) Commence game 1.

5.) The winner of game 1 will ban 3 of the remaining 8 stages; the winner of game 1 will reveal if they plan on switching fighters for game 2; the loser of game 1 will choose 1 of the remaining 5 stages.

6.) The winner of game 1 will choose their fighter first; the winner of game 1 may not switch fighters once the loser of game 1 picks their fighter.

7.) Commence game 2.

8.) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the set has concluded