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empty bracket
There are currently no Brackets for this event.

All events are BYOC (bring your own controller) - Controllers will be provided in limited quantities and will required to be returned after each match. It is HEAVILY recommended you come equipped with your preferred controller or input device.

Our Champlain Tournaments bracket are $15 general public and $10 for Champlain Students.

Match Rules:
  • 1v1 Double Elimination
  • Matches are played first to 3 wins (best of 5 games)
  • Only the loser of a match can switch characters
  • Random stage select (players may opt for an agreed stage)
  • Pausing during a match is considered a round forfeit (make sure your buttons are set before the match starts)
  • Ultimate Edition colors are banned for all characters
Rules for the space:
  • Please treat all everything and everyone with the utmost respect
  • Keep the space clean
  • No food open containers are allowed in the space (closed water bottles are fine)
  • Slurs of any kind are worthy of an instant ban
  • Do not touch any screens or monitors without permission or help from the staff

WNFC is not responsible for any damaged or stolen items.