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There are currently no Brackets for this event.

BRACKET DETAILS Losers/Winners SemiFinals and up are Best 3 out of 5. Lower bracket matches are Best 2 out of 3

LAG RULES Players will have ten minutes before a match before they will be auto-dq'd. Players can also ask for a lag test before starting a set or if the lag spike becomes unplayable (Mods decide what that entails). If the lag test happens and one player is found to have an unsatisfactory connection, then they will be disqualified. The other player will advance. However, If both players have unsatisfactory connections, then both players will be disqualified.

START DATE - April 18th, 2020

START TIME- 2:00p.m. EST

CHECK IN - 30mins. before


Stream Provided by: http://twitch.tv/thelococroco

Stage List Starter Stages

Battlefield Final Destination Lylat Cruise Smashville Pokemon Stadium 2

Counterpick Stages

Unova Pokemon League Kalos Pokemon League Town & City