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Event Rules

Steve is currently banned from our tournament series as we will adhere to the general consensus among Northeast Ohio tournament organizers.

Tournament Rules

Time Start: 6:30PM on Thursdays (If you're going to be late, please DM or Pax or Beegs)

Singles Format -

Stock: 3

● Timer: 7:00

● Handicap: Off

● Team Attack: On

● Launch Rate: 1.0x

● Items: Off and None

● FS Meter: Off

● Damage Handicap: Off

● Custom Balance: Off

● Spirits: Off

● Pause: Off

● Stage Selection: Loser’s Pick

● Stage Hazards: Off

● Stage Morph: Off

● Underdog Boost: Off

● Score Display: Off

● Show Damage: Yes



● Radar: Small

● Echo Fighters: Separate

● Custom Balance: Off

● Mii Fighters are permitted with any combination of specials.

Steve is currently banned from our tournament series as we will adhere to the general consensus among Northeast Ohio tournament organizers.

Procedural Rules :

Match Procedure -

  1. Players select their characters. Either Player may elect to do Double Blind Character Selection (see next section).

  2. Use Stage Striking to determine the first stage.

  3. The Players play the first game of the set.

  4. Winning Player of the preceding Game bans a stage/stages.

  5. The losing Player of the preceding Game picks a stage for the next game.

  6. The winning Player of the preceding Game may choose to change characters.

  7. The losing Player of the preceding Game may choose to change characters.

  8. The next game is played.

  9. Repeat Steps 4 through 8 for all subsequent matches until the set is complete.

Mutual Agreement - Players may select any permitted stage if they both agree to it. Players may not play on unpermitted stages or change the length of a Match.

Double Blind Character Selection - Either Player may request that a double blind selection occur. In this situation, a designated referee or TO will be told, in secret, each of the Player’s choices for the first round. Both Players are to then select their first round character, with the referee validating the character selections.

Neutral Start - If a Player requests Neutral Start, the Players must use the neutral port configuration.

Port Priority - If an agreement cannot be made as to who gets what port, the Players may enact a best of 1 game of Rock Paper Scissors or Game & Watch Judgment (the Player who gets the higher number wins). Winner has the option of selecting port first.

Pausing - If a Player either intentionally or accidentally pauses the Game by either pressing the start button or unplugging his or his opponent’s controller, the offending player must forfeit a stock. This penalty may be increased or decreased at the sole discretion of the TO.

Restarts - Tournament Organizers may approve a full or partial Game restart due to exceptional circumstances, such as a power outage.

Stalling - Stalling, or excessively delaying the Game or Match, may result in a Game or Match forfeit at the discretion of TOs. In Melee, Players may stall for the purposes of waiting out a particular transformation on Pokémon Stadium. Stalling must end when the neutral transformation returns, as indicated by the icon shown on the in-game screen.

Sudden Death - If a game goes to Sudden Death, the winner is determined by stocks and percentage at the time the match ends. When the timer hits 0:00, the Player with the higher stock count is the winner. If both Players are tied in stocks the Player with the lower percentage is the winner. In the event of a percentage tie, or a match in which both Players lose their last stock simultaneously, a 1 stock tiebreaker will be played with time limit equal to the regular time limit divided by the regular number of stocks, rounded up to the minute. The results of Sudden Death do not count.

Alting - Players may not use alternate smash.gg accounts and/or deliberately hide their identities to manipulate seeding.

Colorblind Clause - Players may request that their opponent change colors to accommodate colorblindness or if their color is indistinguishable from the stage background.The request must be made before the match starts.

Warm-ups - Warm-up periods and controller tests may not exceed 30 seconds on the in-game timer. Violation of this rule may result in an automatic forfeit at thediscretion of TOs.

Coaching - Coaching, defined as deliberately giving or receiving advice to/from another person during a Match or between Matches during Grand Finals, is not allowed, and may result in penalties for both parties.

Tardiness - Any Players not present for their Match by 15 minutes past the scheduled start time, without prior communication with TOs, is subject to total disqualification from the respective Tournament.

Collusion - Players suspected of colluding may be immediately disqualified from the tournament. This includes intentionally throwing a match, splitting a payout, or committing any other form of bracket manipulation. The TO reserves the right to deny payout of event winnings to any Player suspected of colluding.

Controllers - Any controller is permitted provided that it does not use a macro or turbo function, which includes but is not limited to: Nintendo Gamecube Controller, Switch Pro Controller, Joy-cons (single or double), USB wired controllers licensed by Nintendo, Smashbox or other “box” controllers, orany controller that can be connected via dongle (such as a PS4 controller). TOs may inspect any controller at any time.