Phantom Alley Gaming | New West
A gaming community based in New Westminster, BC. https://phantom-alley.ca/
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The Phantom Series

Our video game event! This event runs every week on Saturdays.

  • $5 venue fee
  • Cash, paypal, or e-transfer accepted
  • 32 person limit for brackets and venue capacity

Saturday Schedule (PST):

03:00 PM - Casual play starts

04:00 PM - Retro/Mystery/Indie Video Game Tournament

05:00 PM - Smash Ultimate Tournament

06:00 PM - Guilty Gear Strive or Street Fighter 6 Tournament

07:00 PM - Rivals 2 Tournament

07:30 PM - Taking food orders

08:00 PM - Last call for food orders

08:30 PM - Retro/Mystery/Indie Video Game Tournament

09:00 PM - Party Games

11:30 PM - Shut down

  • Drop-in anytime between those times for casual gaming
  • Located at 527 Front St Mews, New Westminster, BC
  • All ages welcome

Sign up for this event at the top of this webpage.

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About us

Hello everyone!

We are a gaming group in New Westminster, BC that hosts in-person game nights. We primarily offer board game meetups and fighting game events, but we also host online gaming events and casual social gatherings to bring more variety to the community and open opportunities for making new friends.

We aim to be a beginner friendly option for those who wish to dip their toes into Esports and build a cozy third place for the New West community- everyone is welcome!

For more information and updates on events and meetups, join our Discord Server through this link: https://discord.gg/Pra5VQnXEN

Additionally, check out our other social platforms through here: https://phantom-alley.ca/

If you're interested, you can find our upcoming tournaments linked at the top of this page.

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Event Organisers
OliOllie & Saru
OliOllie & Saru
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How to get to the venue
527 Front Street Mews, New Westminster, BC V3L 1B2, Canada

Our door is the hole in the wall with the dinky chain link fence!

This door is located on Front Street next to a military surplus store, and faces the Fraser River with a bright blue painted mural.

Once you enter, wind up the long wooden stairway until you hit red and gold carpet, then turn to your right and head through a door into the studio.

If you are lost, please @Help in the Discord and one of us will come guide you through!

This site currently doesn't have safe access for wheelchairs.

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Deals & Discounts

We're now offering Monthly Passes for Phantom, as well as our Wednesday board games and party games night!

Get a FREE Phantom day with a months subscription & more!

For more details, check out: http://ko-fi.com/oligarchygamingnewwest/tiers

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Venue Rules

The following list is not permitted at this location:

  • Illegal activity

  • Discrimination

  • Harassment

  • Drug use

  • Smoking

  • Consumption of alcohol by minors

  • Vulgar or otherwise offensive imagery

  • Violent behavior & destruction of property

  • Cheating & theft

Additional notes to follow:

  • Please practice proper hygiene. We're in an enclosed location; we want to keep this experience as pleasant as possible for everyone!
  • Respect our property and other people's property. Theft and intentional destruction of items in this space will result in an immediate ban and pursuit of legal action.
  • Unique identifiers to personal items is encouraged, don't lose your stuff!
  • Snacks and drinks are permitted.
  • Dispose of snack-related wastes in the rodent-proof bin provided.

These rules may change at any time, and hosts reserve the right to decide what constitutes a breach of our rules. Suspensions, bans, or legal action will be the result of personal misconduct.

If you wish to report your concerns regarding issues within our community, we will be more than happy to help! Please submit your report with your name and details regarding the incident(s) to our email:


If you are reporting a criminal action or civil matter, please submit a report to the New Westminster Police Department or a BC Small Claims Court:

Submit an online police report at: https://www.nwpolice.org/onlinereporting

Call 604-525-5411 to speak to a police officer or submit evidence.

Call 911 to report an emergency.

For civil matters, please contact the BC Supreme Court or similar: https://supremecourtbc.ca/civil-law/getting-started/where-to-file

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Covid19 & Hygiene Precautions
  • This event complies with BC Covid-19 restrictions
  • Do not show up if you are experiencing any symptoms of sickness! Rest at home and stay safe.
  • Stay at home if a member of your household is sick.
  • Wear a mask if you suspect you might have been in contact with someone contagious.
  • If you become sick shortly after this event, please let us know!
  • Wash your hands properly and frequently!
  • Cover any coughs or sneezes; this is a common courtesy to those around you.
  • Please keep yourself up to date on your vaccinations.
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